Saturday, March 20, 2010

And that's why I keep losing my money

I hate it when my competitive streak kicks up. Today, it went up another notch. I just squandered my money on two books that I did not need on eBay, but wanted because of its different cover. I could just grab a brand new one from the bookstore but I was unwilling to lose the bid. And thanks to my stupidity, I'll have to put off getting a few new books from Book Depository for another week.

At least the purchased books are something that I really love and wouldn't mind having extras of. I guess I won't be getting the hardcover version anytime soon. Maybe in a few months time when this silly little incident finally slips from my mind.


  1. Mine peeks out at the most inopportune moments too. Tends to happen most at work which only spells trouble.

  2. I knew I couldn't be the only one that does this. Thanks for making me feel better about my impulsive splurge. :)
